DRC Testing Protocols

DRC Testing Protocols

The following protocols are followed when students test in the Disability Resource Center:


Camera Proctoring

All tests taken in the DRC’s suite (SSB 1070) are proctored via CCTV. This means that student desks are observed from above and video of testing proceedings is stored temporarily for review.

Emergencies During Tests

The DRC discourages students from coming to campus if they are feeling cold or flu symptoms. If a student realizes before beginning a test that they are too unwell to sit for it, it is best to work with DRC to notify their instructor, rather than begin the test and risk having to stop. However, we respect the complex nature of many students’ health situations and acknowledge that emergencies or disability flare-ups may occur during testing.

In these cases, the following protocol will be followed:

If a student experiences a medical or disability related emergency in the middle of testing, they should notify DRC testing staff right away. The DRC testing team will stop the student’s timer, collect all test materials, scan the test at the time of the emergency, and contact the student’s professor.

If it is possible for the student to resume testing after a lengthy break (without access to prohibited materials or technology), the test may be returned to the student and the timer restarted.

Academic Dishonesty (Cheating)

If a DRC proctor observes a student using prohibited materials while testing, the DRC testing team will notify the student, stop the student’s timer, collect all test materials, scan the test in progress and contact the student’s professor.

Based on professor response, the student may be allowed to finish the test, and recording from proctoring camera may be shared for instructor review. Ultimately the class instructor decides how to handle academic dishonesty for their course.

Academic dishonesty cases may be escalated at the instructor’s discretion to the Dean of Students Office for a conduct hearing.