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DRC Referral Materials

In order to receive accommodations through the DRC, students must first disclose disability and request services from the DRC.

Once a Letter of Accommodation (LOA) is created, the DRC will send a PDF of the letter directly to the student. LOAs do not expire, so while student’s always have the option to update their LOA with the DRC as needed, the same LOA can be used for their entire college career.

Any student registered with the DRC who intends on using their accommodations must provide faculty with an accommodation letter (via email). We encourage students to contact their faculty directly to discuss how accommodations will apply to their class. The DRC is available for assistance as needed.


The information and resource below are designed to support faculty and staff pin their crucial role of making appropriate referrals and connecting students with the DRC.

Materials (click the following links to download)

DRC Syllabus Statement and Announcement (incorporate this statement into your course syllabus, and use this announcement as a guide for the first week of class)

DRC PowerPoint Slide (to include in first week presentations)

DRC Flier (English on Front, Spanish on Back)


Online Course Format Description

Send students a description of how your class will be formatted before it begins, so they can make access arrangements in advance. This can be especially important in online classes, which may have elements that are complex to accommodate or new to the student.

Ex) “Welcome to SOC 101! This course will include synchronous (live) discussions once a week over Zoom. All other assignments will be asynchronous, and will include weekly discussion questions on Blackboard, assigned readings and videos, and a take-home mid-term and final.”


Referral Dos and Don'ts


  • Make a general announcement about the DRC to normalize service during Orientation or the first week of class
  • Emphasize the importance of seeking help if you need it
  • Refer students who disclose disability status to the DRC (they can call, email, or stop by)
  • Respect confidentiality – even if the student seems to be open to public conversation
  • Use questions that open the door for student disclosure, such as:
    • Has this kind of assignment always been difficult for you?
    • I noticed you ran out of time -- does that happen a lot?
    • Have there been any supports or resources in the past that were particularly helpful for you?
    • It sounds like you're dealing with a lot right now. Are you talking to anyone about it?


  • Make assumptions about disability status
  • Ask for or collect medical documentation
  • Make up accommodations with students outside DRC process
  • Make judgmental comments:
    • “Are you sure you want to pursue such a difficult career path?”
    • “You don’t look disabled.”
  • Praise or valorize students for not making use of an disability accommodation