Alternate Format
What is Alternate Format?
Alternate Format is the process of making information available in an accessible format for individuals with visual and other print-related disabilities. The most common formats we convert material into is PDF, Word, and .Kesi (Kurzweil). This service is available through the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at no cost to students at UIC.
A few important things to keep in mind when requesting Alternate Format Services:
- An alternate format request form must be submitted every semester
- Turn-around time for this service can be up to 15 business days from the date the form is received by the alternate format tea,, depending on the nature of the request
- The alternate format team will convert and upload requested books and scanned PDF readings.
- If course readings include digitally created PDFs (PDFs that you can drag your curser along individual lines of text), then they are already compatible with text-to-speech programs such as Kurzweil and the alternate format team will not upload these readings.
- We recommend you use the built in Blackboard Ally text-to-speech format, Immersive Reader (more information in the accordion below).
- The DRC will upload converted material for students on Fridays, the week they are required by the course. Example: Week 4 readings will be uploaded by Friday of week 3
- If you do not see course material uploaded you expect, email
- Requested course materials due prior to DRC receipt of request form will be converted only if the student requests past material be converted for the purpose of cumulative midterms/finals
If you have any questions or comments about alternate format procedures, you can contact the alternate format team via email at
Request Alternate Format
Overview of the Alternate Format Process Heading link
- The alternate format team will acquire your requested texts via publishers or accessible libraries and post them onto Kurzweil or Box within the course folder or subfolder within the course folder as they become available.
- The alternate format team will verify the compatibility of the PDF readings with your professors and if necessary, convert the readings to make them compatible with text-to-speech programs
- Scanned PDFs that the alternate format team converts will be uploaded for students onto Kurzweil or Box by Friday evening before the week the reading are required by the course. Example: Week 4 readings will be uploaded by Friday of week 3
- If the alternate format team determines the PDF readings provided by professors are already compatible with text-to-speech programs (PDFs that are digitally created and readable meaning you can drag your curser along individual lines of text), then the alternate format team will not upload these readings
- We recommend you use the built in Blackboard Ally text-to-speech format, Immersive Reader (more information in the accordion below). Alternatively, you can download the readings from Blackboard and upload to your preferred text-to-speech program
Learn more about the alternate format process Heading link
You should schedule a meeting with a DRC Disability Specialist to determine whether alternate format is an appropriate accommodation for your documented disability and which format best fits your needs. Check out our Registration Page for more information.
Complete the Alternate Format Request Form
Submitting the Alternate Format Request Form will start the process to convert course material into an alternate format.
- If you require textbooks in an alternate format, gather the book title and ISBN for each textbook and include this information in your request. If you don’t know this information, you can look it up on the UIC Bookstore website.
- If you indicate on the request form that you need assigned course readings converted, we will reach out to your instructors to access to these materials and convert them as they become available.
**Please note that it may take up to 15 business days to convert course materials and keep in mind that it is never too early before the semester begins to put in a request!
- Prepare to receive your converted material:
- If you are a Kurzweil user, make sure your Universal Library account set up. Find tutorials on navigating Kurzweil on the Kurzweil Users page.
- The alternate format team will upload material into your “private” folder organized by semester, course, and week (depending on the course structure). See video below for visual
- If you are not a Kurzweil user, make sure that your Box account is set up. All students have access to a free Box account through UIC.
- The alternate format team will create and share a folder titled “***Student’s Name.” Within this folder you’ll find course folders that contain textbooks and/or weekly folders (depending on the course structure)
- If you are a Kurzweil user, make sure your Universal Library account set up. Find tutorials on navigating Kurzweil on the Kurzweil Users page.
If you need assistance with either of these steps you can contact Nicole Sims, our Alternate Format Specialist at
- The alternate format team will upload converted course material either to your Kurzweil Universal Library or the Box folder the alternate format team creates for you.
Resources to access alternate format through Blackboard Ally
Blackboard Ally's Built-In Text-to-Speech Format, Immersive Reader Heading link
Youtube tutorial demonstrating how to find and access immersive reader (text-to-speech) on Blackboard which allows students to enable text-to-speech on documents uploaded to Blackboard.